martes, 31 de marzo de 2009

Un constructor de Puentes Internacionales 2009 de la Universidad de Harvard

Por lo importante de la noticia,

por lo justo que es reconocer el esfuerzo,

por lo acertado de la elección,

por el impulso que supone para el proyecto del fútbol callejero,

por el aliento que recibimos todos los que compartimos la ilusión,

por el color de la amistad,

por la hermandad que me une a Fernando,

el me hace partícipe de la noticia y yo la comparto con todos: ha sido elegido para intervenir en la conferencia anual que celebra la Universidad de Harvard bajo el título de "constructores de puentes internacionales 2009"; una conferencia organizada por sus estudiantes donde invitan a líderes de diferentes paises en los campos de la solidaridad, el desarrollo internacional y la justicia social con el fin de dialogar y compartir experiencias.

Aquí os dejo algunos párrafos de la página web donde se recoge la noticia:

The Harvard University International Bridge Builders of 2009

"What is the Harvard International Bridge Builders Conference?

The 2009 International Bridge Builders Conference invites innovative pioneers from around the world to share their successes in fostering positive social change within and beyond their communities. These leaders are the ‘Bridge Builders’: rare individuals who cultivate solidarity between the multiple stakeholders involved in international development, grassroots movements, and social justice campaigns. This year, the 10 Bridge Builders exemplify commitment to public service and bring to Harvard a wealth of practical experience on many critical issues. The Conference, organized entirely by students, aims to broaden understanding of diverse cultures; inspire the translation of ideals into action; and contribute to a rich dialogue between theory and practice in international development."

Fernando Figueroa is the founder of the Civil Association of Art, Culture and Sport - San Isidro (ACDSI), a community initiative that has transformed the local community of San Isidro from being one of Santa Cruz, Bolivia’s most dangerous neighborhoods to becoming nationally recognized as a prototype for local civic engagement and youth empowerment for the rest of the country. In less than ten years, Figueroa and ACDSI have provided critical advocacy and social services to the next generation of local youth leaders and have established a grassroots network of local and national support with the intention of replicating the successes of the San Isidro in other impoverished and marginalized neighborhoods throughout Bolivia."

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